sen. Gönczi Gábor launches his sole proprietorship with an IFA truck.
The procurement of RÁBA 833 trucks
The fleet is expanded with RÁBA 833 trucks.
Transformation into a limited liability company
sen. Gönczi Gábor transforms his sole proprietorship into a limited liability company. The company procures 4 new trucks, with the first Scania truck among them.
The implementation of the ISO quality assurance and management systems
The Quality Assurance Certificate issued by CERT according to EN ISO 9001 ensures that the company’s quality assurance and management systems meet the highest professional standards.
The company’s business site of 8,000 m2 is built in Sopron.
The second generation
Having earned his university degree in Vienna and gained 3 years’ work experience at an Austrian company, ifj. Gönczi Gábor starts working as a freight forwarder. 10 new Scania trucks are procured.
Further expansion of the fleet
10 new Scania trucks are procured.
Implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
We record our freight orders individually, by shipment in our ERP system, which ensures that the full history of each shipment can be tracked and retrieved in every case from order confirmation to completion.
The implementation of the telematics system
With the help of the global navigation satellite system we receive instant and detailed feedback on the fleet’s position, fuel consumption and other technical parameters. 11 new Scania trucks are procured.
Expansion of the site in Sopron
The site in Sopron is expanded to 20,000m2.
The operation of a warehouse for the automotive industry
For our multinational customers, we have been operating an automotive industrial warehouse since 2015. 15 new Scania trucks are procured.
Mérföldkő a dolgozói létszámban
Elértük és át is léptük az 50 fős állományt ebben az évben.
Újabb telephely bővítés
Közel 50.000 négyzetméteres telephelyünkről végezzük a logisztikai és raktározási feladatokat.
Fejlődéssel előre!
A COVID, és a piaci bizonytalanságok ellenére mi úgy gondoljuk, hogy fejlődéssel és fejlesztéssel tudunk továbbra is előre lépni. Elkezdődött logisztikai központunk első, 4000 négyzetméteres csarnokának az építése.